Conference Presentations

– Zeytoun Millie, Z.Z. “Mangroves Art and Ecological Intimacy.” Australasian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network – Connecting for Coastal Co-Becoming, The University of Queensland, 20 November 2024.

– Zeytoun Millie, Z.Z. “Mangroves from the Water.” Australasian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network – Living Coasts, The University of Adelaide, 15 November 2023.

The Gini Fatouhah: A tale about mangroves

I authored The Gini Fatouhah: A Tale About Mangroves, published by the Sharjah Institute for Heritage in 2023. The story is part of a holistic, multi-dimensional art practice that includes landscape paintings created from a kayak, an integral method in my current work. Inspired by the peace and tranquillity of the mangroves, mythological stories, and the need to elevate their reputation and promote conservation efforts, Gini Fatouhah, the guardian of the mangroves, plays a symbolic role rooted in UAE storytelling traditions. The project intertwines painting, drawing, and photography, reflecting my environmental advocacy in the UAE and highlighting my sustained commitment to addressing the challenges facing mangroves near my home in Umm Al Quwain. The landscapes, painted from a kayak within the mangrove forest, were created using watercolour to capture the essence of the environment, while the artist Géraldine Chansard later added images of Gini Fatouhah using natural earth watercolours. The story gained international attention at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in June 2022, where it resonated with visitors, furthering its mission to promote environmental awareness and cultural heritage.

For further publications on the Mangroves from the Water (MFTW) theme please visit this website

Mangroves From The Water Festival Two Catalogues

Mangroves From The Water
Touring Exhibition UAE ( 2015 - 2016 )

Publications Through Art Exhibitions & Festivals

Zeytoun Millie, Zahidah, Mangroves from the Water Catalogue, July 2021

Zeytoun Millie, Zahidah, Mangroves from the Water, Marawed Magazine, Sharjah Institute for Heritage (10-13), 26 July 2021

Zeytoun Millie, Zahidah Mangroves from the Water, Humans in Geelong, 31 July 2021

Zeytoun Millie, Zahidah, Mangroves from the Water, Humans in Geelong, 26 July 2020

Zeytoun Millie, Zahidah, Mangroves from the Water Project, Art 4you Magazine (114-119), 20 Oct, 2020

Zeytoun Millie, Zahidah, Mangroves from the Water, Nature Volve Magazine (56 -57), 11 July 2018

Humans in Geelong (appearing in), Snap Printing Geelong, 2019;

Zeytoun Millie, Zahidah, ‘Photographer, Enrico’, Humans in Geelong, 26 March 2019;

Zeytoun Millie, Zahidah, ‘the Gems, Sam & Trish’, Humans in Geelong, 10 September 2018;

Zeytoun Millie, Zahidah, ‘the Barwon Blog, Jo’, Humans in Geelong, 15 July 2018;

Zeytoun Millie, Zahidah, Mangroves from the Water, 18 April 2018;

Mangroves from the Water Exhibition, Mangroves Festival 2017, Umm Al Quwain, March 2017;

Steps Gallery, Melbourne, ‘Connection’, August/September 2016

thejamjar Dubai during Dubai Art Fair, ‘Mangroves from the Water 4’, March 2016

New York University of Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), ‘Mangroves from the Water 1’; October 2015

Alliance Francaise, Dubai, ‘Connection’; November 2014

Tashkeel House, ‘Beauty’,  Dubai in ‘Sikka Art Fair 2014’; March 2014

Courtyard Gallery, Dubai ‘Women in Art IX’; November 2013

National Museum of Ras Al Khaimah ‘Ras Al Khaimah from the Mangroves’, March 2013

Happenstance Gallery, London ‘Salon des Refuses’, England; June 2013

Switchback Gallery, Monash University, Gippsland Campus,’Zahidah‘ (solo) curated by Rodney Forbes; July 2012

Monash Prato, Italy, ‘Between Bodies’; July 2010  

RAK Hospital, Ras Al Khaimah, ‘Tracking the Emirates, Contemporary Art Exhibition’; April 2010

Higher Colleges of Technology, Ras Al Khaimah, ‘From Al Safa to Starchitecture’ (Solo); December 2008 

Majlis Gallery, Dubai;  December 2006

Sharjah Art Precinct, Handicapped Guardians Association, ‘Creativity’; April 2002

Majlis Gallery, Dubai; March 2002

Sharjah Art Museum, ‘The 21st Exhibition for Artists’; January 2002

Sharjah Art Museum, ‘Expressions of Faces’; April 2001

Community Radio

Producer & host, ‘Masainakum Masoonah’ radio show, Geelong community radio station 94.7 the Pulse. Sep 2018 to now.  I have produced 66 episodes to date.

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